This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Coping with end-of-year assessments: a survival guide for pre-registration midwives

Summer is a busy time of year in the academic calendar, with student midwives coming towards the end of clinical placements while preparing for oral and written assessments Standard 15 of the...

The new world of clinical supervision

Three weeks into my new appointment as Deputy Regional Maternity Lead for Midlands and East, the Easter Bank holiday weekend prompted me to catch my breath and reflect on the dramatic changes and...

A midwife's experience of stillbirth

This is a reflective piece, written after being asked by the mother of a stillborn baby whether midwives were also affected by stillbirth The setting was a rural hospital in southern Ethiopia that...

Mothers with babies in prams can occupy wheelchair spaces on buses

The UK Supreme Court has, in part, overruled the Court of Appeal in an appeal in the case of Paulley v Firstgroup PLC [2017], bringing to an end protracted litigation over whether wheelchair users or...

To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern, Imagine this…

Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders

Modern Management of Perinatal Psychiatric Disorders ...

Sometimes we all need a little good news

Those who stay up-to-date with midwifery news will have noticed or, more likely, been unable to escape, the fact that the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) held its 31st triennial congress...

The birth of our humanity

There is nothing so profound or influential in human life as the birth of a baby The start to life, people becoming parents, the family forming or reforming, will affect not only the individuals...

The future of artificial wombs

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), ectogenesis—growing embryos in artificial environments—thrives at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre Here, ‘standardised’ individuals are...

Pain in labour and the intrapartum use of intramuscular opioids—how effective are they?

In order to consider how to work with pain in labour it is important to understand its function in labour and birth By understanding the physiological role of intrapartum pain, it is possible to...

Fathers and breastfeeding: Attitudes, involvement and support

A plethora of literature has examined the factors behind low breastfeeding rates and has indicated that a mother's decision to breastfeed is associated with social, cultural, personal and...

What influences women to bottle-feed from birth and to discontinue breastfeeding early?

Breastmilk has been widely advocated as the optimal nutrition for newborn babies and infants In both developing and developed countries, extensive research has produced evidence to sustain claims that...

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