This website is intended for healthcare professionals

‘Making a difference in the world’

This month, more than 4000 midwives from over 100 countries will descend on Toronto for 5 days to attend the 31st International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress The theme of this...

Do trainee nurse associates have a role in maternity care?

This week, I have been involved in the assessment of trainee nurse associates (TNA) via viva voce examinations As midwives, we have always questioned our remit, and if any aspects of the role can or...

The challenge of ruptures

Vaginal wetness is common during pregnancy Around 20% of pregnant women report to hospital or birth units reporting wetness (Odunsi and Rinaudo, 2001) In most cases, it is harmless, resulting from...

Providing sun safety advice: The midwife's role

Of all the different types of cancer diagnosed globally, skin cancer is the most prolific (Nguyen et al, 2012), and melanoma remains the major cause of death from skin cancer (Trakatelli et al, 2012)...

Knowledge and uptake of folic acid among pregnant women attending a secondary health facility in Nigeria

Folate is an essential micronutrient that cannot be biosynthesised by human body and must be obtained either from diet or from supplements; it is required for fetal body metabolism, growth, and...

Evaluation of infants' exposure to environmental tobacco smoke using salivary cotinine measurements

Many studies have elucidated the relationship between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and damage to health in children The World Health Organization (WHO) (1999) performed a large-scale...

Midwifery students and routine discussion of birth experience in the early postnatal period in hospital

During training, midwifery students are educated and supported in providing emotional and psychological care to women during the postnatal period Women often have increased psychological needs...

Periodontal health and pregnancy

This article discusses factors that affect periodontal (gum) health and implications associated with delay in conception and reported adverse pregnancy outcomes Periodontal disease is the result of a...

Interview with Alice Gautreau

What made you want to work in the Congo? I've always wanted to go and work in Africa When I was a student midwife I did my elective placement in Ethiopia and I loved it—I had the best time so I...

Randomised controlled trials

In December 2005, Professor (now Sir) Ian Wilmut, the first director of Edinburgh University's Centre for Regenerative Medicine, called for stem cell treatments to be offered to people with terminal...

What the general election means for midwives

Prime Minister Theresa May surprised the country in April with the announcement of a snap general election, set to be held on 8 June 2017 (BBC, 2017). A recent survey showed that 55% of citizens are...

A-EQUIP: The new model of midwifery supervision

Reflecting on my personal experience of statutory supervision of midwifery and considering the reflections of others, I am more convinced than ever that the new A-EQUIP (an acronym that means...

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