This website is intended for healthcare professionals

The marginalisation of midwifery in medicalised pregnancy and childbirth: a qualitative study

In many places across the globe, midwives are the first caregivers of pregnant women and parturient (Sandall et al, 2016) Nonetheless, significant differences exist in the organisation of midwifery...

Destitution in pregnancy: forced migrant women's lived experiences

Evidence suggests that across the UK, forced pregnant migrant women are increasingly becoming destitute (Carter, 2017; Petch et al, 2015) Forced migrants are people who have been coerced or forced to...

Factors associated with underutilisation of antenatal care services in Limpopo, South Africa

The availability, accessibility and utilisation of antenatal care services play a major role in the lives of pregnant women and neonates worldwide (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016a) Globally,...

Midwives in low-resource settings

Countries with scarce resources, like Pakistan, mostly have poor health indicators Maternal, neonatal and child healthcare are often compromised as a result of a lack of availability and accessibility...

COVID-19: women with diabetes and hypertension during pregnancy

COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic and poses a significant challenge to the care of pregnant women, especially pregnancies complicated by diabetes and hypertension These pregnancies are associated with...

The start of an academic year like no other

The year 2020 has been, and continues to be, a year like no other The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic in March (WHO, 2020) and, because of the highly contagious...

Provision of supportive care

The increased pace and involuntary nature of labour physiology renders it a period of maximum stress for both the fetus and the mother, particularly within the second stage of labour (McDonnell and...

The Acton Model: support for women with female genital mutilation

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a global healthcare problem affecting an estimated 200 million women and girls, worldwide (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016) It is defined as ‘all procedures...

Diagnosis of perineal trauma: getting it right first time

It is estimated that 85% of women will sustain some degree of perineal trauma during vaginal delivery and 60–70% of these will require suturing (Kettle and Tohill, 2008) Perineal trauma includes not...

COVID-19 and the risk to black, Asian and minority ethnic women during pregnancy

Recently, concerns have been raised about a possible association between ethnicity and incidence and outcomes of COVID-19, following observational data released from the Intensive Care National Audit...

Supporting families after a diagnosis of Edwards' or Patau's syndrome

Imagine going from being happily pregnant to being told that the baby you are expecting has a rare and life-limiting condition If your child does beat the odds and survives to be born alive, no-one...

Birth trauma: the mediating effects of perceived support

In recent years, birth trauma has become the focus of much perinatal research Childbirth can be a triggering event for mothers and lead to symptoms of postnatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),...

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