At the moment a baby is born, about a third of its blood is outside of its body Physiological studies have shown that, of the total blood volume in the combined fetal–placental circulation at full...
The evolution of the human placenta This book has been dedicated to the obstetricians-gynaecologists who have collaborated with the authors over many years to improve scientific knowledge of...
Tapping the hormone of calm, love and healing This book is an unashamed sales pitch for the wonderful hormone that is oxytocin It seeks to enthuse the reader about this hidden gem that we all...
A case being heard in the Court of Appeal has raised the vexed issue of whether a pregnant woman could be held criminally liable if her actions damage her unborn child. The case concerns a woman who,...
I have recently joined the editorial board of the British Journal of Midwifery and have been asked to review papers for possible inclusion in the journal. The journal receives a high number of...
Social media platforms are continuing to grow in popularity, with Facebook having over 31 million users in the UK; Twitter 15 million, and LinkedIn 10 million (McRory, 2014)
Incident reporting at Birmingham Women's Foundation NHS Trust identified an increase in the numbers of babies born before the arrival (or attendance) (BBA) of a midwife in both an unplanned or planned...
An audit was undertaken to explore supervisors of midwives' (SoMs') experience of supervision across a local supervising authority (LSA) Supervision forms part of the professional regulation for...
In recent years, the role of the midwife has been expanded beyond what was traditionally seen as its core responsibilities This has been in response to a number of service demands and the changing...
While it is acknowledged that not all teenage pregnancies are unplanned or result in a substandard or negative life-course for mother and/or child (Duncan et al, 2010), there is a substantial body of...
Three days after my child was born, we were transferred to the baby unit. My child was poorly and I was uncertain what was going to happen. During that time, every cell in my body was telling me to...
Respectful care The World Health Organization has recently published a statement on the prevention and elimination of disrespect and abuse during facility-based childbirth (WHO, 2014) It embraces...
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