This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Six months qualified

Each day at work, I introduce myself: ‘Hello, my name is Claire I'm one of the midwives and I'm going to be looking after you today’ This is something I say all the time; however, there is still a...

Promoting evidence-based practice and raising concerns: considerations for the newly-qualified midwife

Newly-qualified midwives are expected to be safe, competent practitioners and are responsible for providing high standards of care for women and babies (Phelan et al, 2014); however, for many midwives...

Why midwives alone are not enough

Talking to midwives from across Ethiopia and Kenya about the challenges and triumphs of being a clinician, the conversation often turned to where to go next (Box 1) Although there have been...

Smoking and pregnancy

The adverse effects of smoking in pregnancy include miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth and birth defects (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2015) According to NHS Digital...

Book review

Why Caesarean matters I was intrigued...

Using elective placements effectively

Elective placements enable students to pursue an area of interest other than the essential standards required for pre-registration midwifery education (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2009) Student...

MPs cannot work without safe maternity care

In the slight lull in news about Brexit and the Conservative party leadership contest, papers have finally been able to report on other stories, although they may not always stray far from...

Breathe easy

Air pollution is high on the news agenda Many UK cities are in breach of EU clean air regulations and are looking to see how the situation can be improved Consideration is being given to ultra-low...

Holding it all together

How do women experience care during pregnancy, birth and early motherhood amid severe disadvantage? And how do those experiences relate to women's rights to safe and appropriate care, dignity,...

A project with multiple benefits

Latest data show that multiple births make up 15% of all births in the UK (National Records of Scotland, 2017; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, 2017; Office for National Statistics,...

Midwives' evaluation of their role in crowdsourcing activities to improve the maternity experience: part 2

This is the second of two articles on crowdsourcing In the first article (Frewin and Church 2019), crowdsourcing was introduced as an innovative way to find solutions to issues in practice Defined as...

Diabetes in pregnancy: a practical guide for midwives

The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing, alongside the increased prevalence of obesity, sedentary lifestyle, older age at conception and younger age at onset of type 2 diabetes, meaning that...

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