This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Anencephaly is an untreatable and terminal neural tube defect in which most of a fetus' brain, skull and scalp is missing It affects approximately 1 in 1000 pregnancies globally (Cook et al, 2008) and...

Chiropractic care of the pregnant woman and neonate

Chiropractic practice is based on the theory that alterations to the biomechanics of the spinal and extraspinal structures, such as the cranial and mandible bones, can lead to altered neural signals...

Diet and physical activity in pregnancy: a study exploring women's beliefs and behaviours

In the UK, 19% of women of childbearing age are reported to be obese (BMI >30kg/m2) and 26% are reported to be overweight (BMI >25kg/m2) (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2016) Being obese...

Pregnancy-specific health anxiety: symptom or diagnosis?

Anxiety is an innate human response to situations that cause fear, worry or concern It is experienced cognitively, emotionally and somatically Certain levels of anxiety are expected and typical when...

Should midwives learn to scan for presentation? Findings from a large survey of midwives in the UK

Fetal lie and presentation in the late third trimester have traditionally been determined by abdominal palpation using Leopold's manoeuvres or a similar technique Although accuracy may be increased...

Have interventions been effective at increasing the rates of breastfeeding in the UK?

The rates of breastfeeding initiation and maintenance in the UK are some of the lowest in the world, despite extensive evidence in support of the notion that ‘breast is best’ (Earle, 2002) Exclusive...

The importance of language in maternity services

Communication is imperative for high-quality, safe healthcare (Levinson et al, 2010; Vermeir et al, 2015; Foronda et al, 2016) Communication between patients, health professionals and local...

Collaborative coaching and learning in midwifery clinical placements

The UK Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) education framework contains standards for student supervision (NMC, 2018) that intend to change the way student nurses and midwives are supported and...

NIPT: an issue to handle with care

Attending the 2018 World Down's Syndrome Congress inspired me to address the need for a care pathway for Down Syndrome in the ante- and postnatal periods, in collaboration with my Hospital Trust The...

This is not another Brexit article

An editorial on Brexit has been a long time coming. This is not because discussing it would be irrelevant—quite the opposite. Professional bodies such as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2018)...

Giving midwives some ‘me’ time

In last month's Birthwrite column, Louise Silverton (2019) encouraged midwives and other interested parties to respond to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) consultation on the draft standards...

Physical activity in pregnancy: practical advice for women who run

Running is embraced globally as a pastime to keep fit and health, and yet there is little information for midwives to give to women runners Running is, according to Audickas (2017), the most common...

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