This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Supporting failing students: How collaboration is key

At the University of Northampton, the role of the midwife teacher/academic in clinical practice assessment is to advise and support mentors, with the ultimate decision on whether the student is...

Clemency for Hungarian homebirth midwife Ágnes Geréb

Previous articles in this series (Symon 2010; 2012) have noted how women in some other countries, even within the European Union, do not enjoy the same legal rights and protections as women in the UK...

IVF: A case of ‘less is more’?

Last month was the 40th anniversary of the first IVF birth Louise Brown was born in Oldham General Hospital in 1978 (BBC, 2018) Since then, more than 300 000 babies have been born as a result of IVF...

How do modern parents deal with cultural beliefs about breastfeeding? A qualitative study

Background Cultural beliefs strongly affect the practice of breastfeeding. Interpretations of cultural beliefs change over time, particularly among modern parents; however, knowledge of these changes...

Is it time to address male postnatal depression?

Readers are doubtless aware that the etymology of the word ‘midwife’ is ‘with woman’ Guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2017) state that good care is woman-centred, where a...

The NHS at 70

On the 5 July 2018, the NHS turned 70 and this was marked by celebrations across the UK It was humbling to hear the experiences and reflections of many midwives, support staff, obstetricians and...

Parenthood: Uncharted territory?

It may have taken millions of years for humans to evolve, but when it comes to attitudes, evolution can be rapid

Overcoming the barriers of vitamin D in pregnancy: A midwifery public health perspective

Guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2008, 2017a; 2017b) and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) (2014a) recommends vitamin D...

Gestational diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disorder in which insulin production or action is insufficient, resulting in hyperglycaemia Insulin is produced in pancreatic beta (b) cells and is required for the...

The effectiveness of an online module for midwives conducting antenatal pertussis vaccinations

There has been a resurgence in pertussis, with the highest incidence and complication rates in young infants, and deaths occurring mainly before 3 months of age (Healy, 2016) The most effective way to...

Student midwives' education needs and their experience of attending a bereavement education workshop

Student midwives may encounter bereaved parents at their most vulnerable time, as they attempt to come to terms with the diagnosis of, and give meaning to, their baby's death (Kelley and Trindad,...

Cultural qualities and antenatal care for black African women: A literature review

Historically, black African women in the UK have an increased risk of dying in childbirth, compared to other ethnic minority groups, a phenomenon that has been noted since 2000 This has been related...

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