This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation in children in the UK

Female genital mutilation (FGM), also referred to as ‘cutting’ (World Health Organization (WHO), 2018), has become an area of increasing concern in the UK and other developed countries due to...

Supporting the transition to parenthood: Development of a group health-promoting programme

High-quality perinatal care is of central importance to public health and the broader agenda for global health (ten Hoope-Bender et al, 2014) In antenatal care, the focal point has shifted from...

A quiet revolution? It's not where you'd think

It's been a long time coming, but on 26 May in a so-called ‘quiet revolution’ (BBC, 2018), the Republic of Ireland voted to repeal the Eighth Amendment of its constitution, ending some of the...

Postpartum physical activity and sleep levels in overweight, obese and normal-weight mothers

Lack of physical activity and sleep are two key risk factors for numerous physical and psychological health-related issues (Colten and Altevogt, 2006; Center for Disease Control (CDC), 2015) Lack of...

Breast milk donation and behavioural science

If you had told me a year ago that I would be sat here, now, writing to midwives about breast milk, I would have been incredulous As an economist, working in and around government for more than half a...

The dangerously high cost of poor communication

Many of the legal cases discussed in this column relate to circumstances surrounding the birth Less usual are claims focussing on postnatal issues—particularly breastfeeding—but such a claim has just...

Dear Secretary of State

I write in my capacity as a consultant midwife regarding my serious concerns about the impact of the ‘cost recovery’ programme on upfront charging on community midwifery for overseas visitors...

CPD and revalidation: Theory, practice and lessons from teachers

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the regulating body for nurses and midwives in the UK (NMC, 2015); its principal role is to protect the health and wellbeing of the public by ensuring that...

25 years at the forefront of midwifery research

Welcome to a very special anniversary issue of British Journal of Midwifery (BJM). Now celebrating 25 years of publication, this bumper issue of BJM will look back on how far midwifery has come since...

A woman's cry for her midwife

As I reflect on my midwifery experience over the past 30 years, I am reminded of the privileged role of the midwife and my personal experiences of providing continuity of carer, supporting vulnerable...

Repealing the Eighth Amendment

On 25 May 2018, the Republic of Ireland will hold a referendum to decide whether to repeal the Eighth Amendment, a constitutional provision that effectively amounts to an all-out ban on abortion in...

25 years of BJM

For those of you as old as us, you will remember 1993 as a significant year for many reasons Mr Blobby was knocked off the number one spot by Take That with their song ‘Babe’; Sonia represented the UK...

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