This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Handwashing and psychology

The acronym KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is attributed to the American aeronautical engineer Kelly Johnson

Remembering Lucy Bannister

Lucy Bannister began her journey as a student midwife at Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) in September 2014 Lucy worked hard to succeed in her studies and clinical placements, and was...


Erratum to: Walker L, Spendlove Z The personal and professional importance of post-registration postgraduate education British Journal of Midwifery 2018; 26(2): 120–4

Transforming care for all

The 16th national Current Issues in Midwifery conference, organised by British Journal of Midwifery (BJM), this year took ‘Transforming maternity services, improving care’ as its central theme....

Talk is cheap

Recently, I was interested to read a review of communication used in maternity care, published in the British Medical Journal (Mobbs et al, 2018) Some of the terms criticised by those women asked...

From fear to maternity

Fear of birth is becoming increasingly recognised as a clinical issue that can have profound effects on the mother and her experience of pregnancy and birth Failure to identify women with fear of...

Infant dry skin: Clinical practice and the evidence to support it

Many midwives would agree that the priorities in maternity care mostly centre around intrapartum and antenatal care, and that postnatal care has long been the ‘Cinderella’ of the maternity service...

Development of an alcohol liaison midwifery service in a health Trust in Northern Ireland

The global prevalence of alcohol use during pregnancy is estimated to be 98%, with an estimated prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in the general population of 146 per 10 000 people (Popova et al,...

Are midwifery students adequately prepared for vaginal breech birth in clinical practice?

The heightened focus on risk affects maternity care providers' attitudes towards vaginal breech birth (Berhan and Haileamlak, 2016), and this professional apprehension may have the potential to limit...

Creating a dedicated homebirth service: Results of a 3-year pilot

Homebirth is a topic that often elicits a strong emotional reaction from health professionals and women alike It is a subject that, after being deeply out of favour, now has a positive evidence base...

Does frenotomy improve breastfeeding problems in neonates with ankyloglossia?

Breastfeeding is the natural way of providing neonates with all the nutrients they need for growth and development; with exclusive breastfeeding recommended for the first 6 months of life (World...

Innovation in assessment: Building student confidence in preparation for unfamiliar assessment methods

Traditional methods of assessment in higher education, such as examinations and essays, still dominate the majority of curricula (Struyven et al, 2005; Pereira et al, 2016), despite being criticised...

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