This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Grace Baptie

Policy and Evidence Officer, Anna Freud Centre

Email Grace

‘Just one more feed’: the impact of traumatic birth on breastfeeding

This study used a qualitative approach to investigation in order to elicit rich experiential information from participants.

Breastfeeding experiences and support: identifying factors influencing breastfeeding behaviour

The survey data revealed factors relating to respondents' breastfeeding experiences and the difficulties experienced with their breastfeeding journey..

Empowered or powerless? Contributing factors to women's appraisal of traumatic childbirth

Thematic analysis was conducted to identify factors that contribute to women's traumatic or non-traumatic appraisals of birth. It is important to acknowledge that a greater proportion of women who...

Birth trauma: the mediating effects of perceived support

In recent years, birth trauma has become the focus of much perinatal research Childbirth can be a triggering event for mothers and lead to symptoms of postnatal post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),...

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