This website is intended for healthcare professionals

What to expect when you're expecting? Representations of birth in British newspapers

Stories of childbirth make for engaging reading in newspapers, but to what effect on the future mothers who pick them up? Public scepticism over the values driving Britain's mass media has intensified...

Midwifery care in the UK for older mothers

In many countries, including the UK, a large proportion of care for women during pregnancy, labour and the postnatal period is provided by practising midwives (International Confederation of Midwives...

The role of antenatal and postnatal social support for pregnant women with a body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2

Pregnancy is a key time point in a woman's life where behavioural changes can be made (Phelan, 2010) As a result, researchers have started to explore the best way for health professionals to provide...

Hypothermia in the newborn: An exploration of its cause, effect and prevention

Hypothermia is considered to be a major contributing factor to neonatal morbidity and, in extreme cases, mortality (Kumar et al, 2009) Newborns are at risk of hypothermia irrespective of their...

The role of the midwife in breastfeeding: Dichotomies and dissonance

The role of the midwife in breastfeeding is extensive and includes relaying knowledge about the subject, promoting, encouraging and supporting breastfeeding mothers, complying with policies and...

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: An ‘alternative’ approach to care

It is thought that as many as 85% of expectant mothers experience nausea, vomiting and associated symptoms such as heartburn (Cardwell, 2012; Pasha et al, 2012; Festin, 2014) The causative factors are...

Good hygiene can save babies' lives

In June, newly-formed charity CMV Action held its inaugural awareness month Although charity awareness months are commonplace these days, cytomegalovirus (CMV) definitely needs its profile raising...

Supply and demand of the consultant midwife

Over the past few decades advanced practitioner posts have emerged in the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and the UK. In the UK, consultant nurse and midwife posts were first introduced...

End FGM from the ground up

On 22 July, the Government and UNICEF, held the first Girl Summit aimed at mobilising efforts at home and abroad to end female genital mutilation (FGM) and child, early and forced marriage (CEFM)...

Midwives of the world at the ICM

Even while I was waiting for the bus to take me to the airport to fly home after the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) 40th Triennial Congress in Prague (June 2014), the conversations...

Positive steps in public health

It isn't often that there is so much good news in the press surrounding midwifery. On 19 June the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC, 2014) released new figures showing the prevalence of...

Individualised care in midwifery

One of the most important decisions to be made about birth is choice of caregiver. The key to making the right choice is having a dedicated midwife who has trusts that your body knows how to labour....

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