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R v Noor: a landmark case in female genital mutilation prosecution

The WHO (2024) classifies female genital mutilation into four types. Type 1 is the partial or total removal of the clitoral glans (the external and visible part of the clitoris, which is a sensitive...

The gender debate: is midwifery education ‘women's work’?

Senior management and leadership in the NHS in the UK have long been described as the ‘snowy white peaks of the NHS’ (Kline, 2014), acknowledging the race inequalities therein. Crucially, this is an...

The NMC Code and its application to the role of the midwife in antenatal care: a student perspective

Midwives are autonomous practitioners who are experts in normal pregnancy and birth (Horton and Astudillo, 2014; NMC, 2015a). Antenatally, midwives care for women in pregnancy from conception to...

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