This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Role of the midwife

Impact of the midwife-led care model on mode of birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis

A systematic review is the best approach to determine the most effective intervention/treatment in clinical decision-making (Harvey and Land, 2017). This method follows explicit, rigorous and...

Diagnosis, management and training in perineal trauma: a national survey of UK midwives

This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with a team in the USA. A revised version of a validated and published survey on experience and training in obstetric tears was...

A midwifery team's journey implementing and sustaining continuity of care

Caseloading is one way of providing continuity, either antenatally and postnatally or including intrapartum care. Teams provide a named midwife and continuity of care, leading to a safer and better...

Experiences of newly qualified midwives working in clinical practice during their transition period

All NQMs taking up a post within the Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust referred to in this study follow a rotational programme in various ward and department locations across the maternity service,...

The NMC Code and its application to the role of the midwife in antenatal care: a student perspective

Midwives are autonomous practitioners who are experts in normal pregnancy and birth (Horton and Astudillo, 2014; NMC, 2015a). Antenatally, midwives care for women in pregnancy from conception to...

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