This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Student midwife

Midwifery students' experiences of learning to be ‘with woman’: a scoping review

This scoping review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Scoping Reviews, as outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute (Aromataris and Munn, 2020). A priori protocol was...

The diversity debate: is midwifery higher education addressing the challenges of systemic racism?

The RCM has been sending freedom of information requests to UK universities since 2010. However, their request in 2023 (which formed the basis of the subsequent report on which this series is based)...

Simulation in midwifery: the role of motivation in designing an undergraduate experience

There is good evidence for simulated learning in respect to students' learning gain, satisfaction and overall self-confidence (Marion-Martins and Pinho, 2020; Mulyadi et al, 2020; Chua et al, 2021;...

The influence of ethnicity on assessments and academic progression in a midwifery degree

A retrospective cohort observation study was carried out at a UK university in the south of England. The sample included all students who entered the BSc (Hons) 3-year midwifery programme between 2014...

Midwifery higher education: who are we and who do we teach?

In March 2023, the professional body for midwives, the RCM (2023), sent freedom of information requests to the 55 UK universities providing midwifery education at the time, to gather data for the...

Research in practice: a core skill

Learning through simulation is a widely used and effective pedagogy for clinical skills, encouraging students to think flexibly and develop competence, safe practice and understanding, closing the gap...

Practice-based learning and the impacts of COVID-19: doing it for real?

Practice-based learning is an integral part of many health and social care professional programmes, providing situated and experiential learning opportunities that contribute to meeting the learning...

The experiences of black, Asian and minority ethnic student midwives at a UK university

Recent data show that while the overwhelming majority of undergraduate students in higher education institutions were white, the biggest rate of entry increase for any ethnic group was for black...

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to engage in purposeful self-regulatory thinking and provides the impetus for knowledge development and clinical judgment (Facione and Facione, 2008; Abrami et al,...

The NMC Code and its application to the role of the midwife in antenatal care: a student perspective

Midwives are autonomous practitioners who are experts in normal pregnancy and birth (Horton and Astudillo, 2014; NMC, 2015a). Antenatally, midwives care for women in pregnancy from conception to...

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