Why Oxytocin Matters As a whole, this...
Squaring The Circle The book ‘Squaring...
This handbag-sized wonder is my new favourite go-to as both a mother and midwife I only wish I had found it years ago! ‘How To Have A Mindful Pregnancy’ by Sian Warriner and Mark Pallis is packed full...
Why Birth Trauma Matters This is one...
What a delight to read this informative but practical book aimed at student midwives undertaking Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) at undergraduate level. Its ease of access and practical...
Sands Bereavement SupportBook Very...
Why Caesarean matters I was intrigued...
Maddie McMahon has captured the essence of the ultimate feminist issue of childbirth and motherhood in her nurturing and eloquently written book, Why Mothering Matters. As a doula and a mother,...
This book has more than 370 pages and 29 chapters providing some in-depth evidence-based knowledge. The book is suitable for all levels of midwifery, and topics range from why women should breastfeed,...
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