Physiological jaundice is common in the first week of life, occurring in around 60% of term and 80% of preterm infants (Ng and How, 2015; Mitra and Rennie, 2017). It is the result of rising levels of bilirubin, which eventually binds to tissues such as the skin and sclera, producing clinically recognisable jaundice around day 3 or 4 (Mitra and Rennie, 2017; Rankin, 2017). Bilirubin is produced during the breakdown of red blood cells, and in newborn infants there is a transitional imbalance between its production and elimination, resulting in an excess of bilirubin. This normal imbalance that produces physiological jaundice can, however, be exacerbated by factors that result in pathological jaundice, which can result in neurological damage, dysfunction, and death (Ng and How, 2015).
Physiological jaundice
Most bilirubin is produced during the breakdown of senescent red blood cells, with bilirubin being produced as a result of the breakdown of the haem component of haemoglobin (Figure 1). This occurs in phagocytic monocytes and macrophages in various tissues of the body (Mitra and Rennie, 2017), and first results in a form of bilirubin called unconjugated bilirubin. This is lipid-rather than water-soluble, so is transported to the liver for metabolism bound to albumin (Blackburn, 2017). In the liver it undergoes conjugation (it is combined with glucuronic acid by the enzyme glucuronyl transferase) to produce conjugated bilirubin, which is more water-soluble and can thus be excreted in urine and bile (Mitra and Rennie, 2017; Rankin, 2017). Mutations in this enzyme that reduce its function can result in Gilbert and Crigler-Najjar syndromes, which are characterised by hyperbilirubinaemia due to reduced functioning of the liver's bilirubin-conjugating ability and the resulting build-up of unconjugated bilirubin (Wong and Stevenson, 2015; Chang et al, 2017). As the liver conjugating system also requires oxygen and glucose to function efficiently, hypoxia and hypoglycaemia may also slow down this process and increase the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia (Blackburn, 2017; Rankin, 2017).
Figure 1. Metabolism of bilirubin. The aspects of newborn transitional physiology that can result in physiological jaundice are shown, as well as those that can exacerbate this (shown in red), and which can result in pathological jaundice
Most conjugated bilirubin is transported from the liver to the intestines in bile, where it is converted by intestinal bacteria into forms that can be excreted in urine (urobilinogen) and faeces (stercobilin). However, in the intestines, it can also be converted back to unconjugated bilirubin due to the alkaline environment and brush border enzymes such as beta (b)-glucuronidase, and is thus reabsorbed into the circulation via the enterohepatic circulation (Blackburn, 2017; Mitra and Rennie, 2017). The longer that bilirubin is present in the intestines, the more chance there is that this conversion back to unconjugated bilirubin and subsequent reabsorption will occur (Blackburn, 2017). Reabsorbed unconjugated bilirubin makes its way back to the liver for metabolism, adding to the burden on transport and liver conjugating systems.
The transitional physiology of the newborn is such that there is an imbalance between the production and clearance of bilirubin, resulting in its build up in the circulation. This is due to several aspects of newborn physiology (Table 1), which include an increased red blood cell load, decreased albumin binding, immaturity of liver conjugating enzymes, and decreased intestinal bacteria and motility (Blackburn, 2017; Mitra and Rennie, 2017; Rankin 2017).
Table 1. Factors that contribute to physiological jaundice
Increased red cell volumeDecreased lifespan of red blood cells
Due to low oxygen environment in utero 80–100 days at term as opposed to 120 days for adults
Increased production of bilirubin
Decreased albumin concentrationsDecreased binding to albumin
Immature structure and production of albumin
Reduced transport to the liver and increased levels of unbound unconjugated bilirubin
Decreased hepatic uptake of bilirubinDecreased conjugation of bilirubin
Decreased conversion of conjugated bilirubin to stercobilinIncreased enterohepatic reabsorption
Decreased intestinal floraGreater concentration of brush border enzymes (b-glucuronidase) which deconjugate bilirubinDecreased intestinal motility
Decreased excretion of bilirubinIncreased recirculation putting additional stress on the liver
Source: Blackburn (2017); Mitra and Rennie (2017); Rankin (2017)
As a result, there is a build up of the yellow-orange coloured bilirubin that deposits in the sclera, skin and mucous membranes of the newborn, resulting in physiological jaundice. However, anything that exacerbates these aspects of newborn physiology can increase the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia and pathological jaundice (Blackburn, 2017) (Table 2).
Table 2. Factors that exacerbate physiological jaundice, causing it to become pathological
Physiological jaundice
Pathological jaundice
Increased red cell volumeDecreased red cell lifespan
Haemolysis (rhesus or ABO incompatibility, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency)Prematurity (red blood cell lifespan 60–80 days)InfectionSignificant bruising or cephalohaematomaPolycythaemia (e.g. infant of a diabetic mother, twin-to-twin transfusion)
Decreased albumin concentrationDecreased albumin binding
PrematurityInfectionAcidosisHypoxiaCompetition for binding by drugs (e.g. sulphonamide antibiotics)
Immaturity of hepatic uptake, transport and conjugating systems
PrematurityGilbert and Crigler-Najjar syndromesHypoxiaHypoglycaemia
Decreased conversion of conjugated bilirubin to stercobilinIncreased enterohepatic reabsorption
Sources: Morioka et al (2015); Wong and Stevenson (2015); Amin (2016)
Despite its associations with neurotoxicity, at low levels, bilirubin is thought to act as an antioxidant, and its increased production after birth may even function as a protective mechanism during the transition from the low-oxygen environment of the uterus to the highly oxygenated extra-uterine environment (Blackburn, 2017). However, bilirubin can be extremely deleterious, particularly to neuronal function, and as its levels increase, unbound unconjugated bilirubin is able to enter the brain, where it binds to and enters neurones, disrupting their function and resulting in neuronal death (Cunningham et al, 2016; Watchko, 2016). This occurs when the normal imbalance between production and elimination is exacerbated in some, or several ways, including breastfeeding (particularly ineffective breastfeeding), prematurity, excessive bruising or cephalohaematoma due to instrumental birth, polycythaemia, or haemolysis, which can occur where there is blood group incompatibility between the mother and fetus, or due to underlying metabolic disease or infection (Wong and Stevenson, 2015; Rankin 2017).
Breastfeeding and gestational age
Jaundice and hyperbilirubinaemia are more likely to occur when babies are breastfed, particularly when they are having difficulties establishing effective feeding and when there is weight loss due to inadequate intake (Rankin, 2017). This is thought to result from factors associated with ineffective or suboptimal breastfeeding, including reduced fluid and calorific intake, which can result in increased enterohepatic recirculation of bilirubin, and thus increased bilirubin load (Maisels, 2015; Blackburn, 2017). Encouraging early and frequent feeding is key to enhancing gut motility, promoting the establishment of intestinal bacteria, and ensuring adequate hydration to effect the removal of bilirubin from the intestines, as well as preventing its reabsorption (Maisels, 2015; Mitra and Rennie, 2017). Efficacious breastfeeding support can therefore be essential to mitigate the effects of breastfeeding-associated hyperbilirubinaemia.
Another form of jaundice associated with breastfeeding is breast milk jaundice. This occurs slightly later than physiological jaundice, in the second week, and is thought to be due to factors in the breast milk itself that enhance the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin. The presence of b-glucuronidase in breast milk is one of the factors implicated in increasing this recirculation of bilirubin, as this enzyme converts bilirubin back to its unconjugated form in the intestine, resulting in its reabsorption (Mitra and Rennie, 2017; Rankin, 2017). Preterm infants are also at increased risk for hyperbilirubinaemia (Amin, 2016), as there are many aspects of preterm physiology that can potentially exacerbate the factors that produce physiological jaundice (Table 2), including a further reduced red blood cell lifecycle, reduced albumin production, and further immaturity of liver conjugating enzymes (Blackburn, 2017). This can result in hyperbilirubinaemia that is earlier in onset, more severe, and more prolonged (Rankin, 2017). Late preterm infants may be at particular risk, as unlike early preterm infants, who will remain in hospital under observation, late preterm infants are more likely to be discharged earlier, leaving them more vulnerable to the effects of potentially inadequate surveillance and lack of sufficient parental and breastfeeding support (Kaplan et al, 2016).
Community care
Many infants are now discharged within 48 hours, and it is therefore often impossible to assess and manage jaundice—or to ensure breastfeeding is properly established appropriate support offered—before discharge (Jing et al, 2017). Early discharge from hospital is associated with readmission for jaundice, and breastfed and late preterm infants are particularly at risk (Lain et al, 2015). In addition, significant hyperbilirubinaemia may be detected later in the community than it would be in hospital, resulting in higher bilirubin levels when infants are readmitted, and poorer outcomes (Battersby et al, 2017). Appropriate and efficacious follow up of all infants in the community is therefore essential, and midwives should be aware of any underlying risk factors or deviations from the norm in order to effect appropriate management and referral. Examination of the baby should be performed in a well-lit room and, if jaundice is suspected, a bilirubin measurement should be taken, either using a transcutaneous bilirubinometer (TCB) or by obtaining a blood sample to measure total serum bilirubin (TSB), since visual assessment of jaundice and/or cephalocaudal progression is not reliable (Ives, 2015; Grace, 2017; Mitra and Rennie, 2017). The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2016) advise that a bilirubin measurement is obtained rather than assessing jaundice visually, and that all infants with risk factors for hyperbilirubinaemia be reviewed within 48 hours of life. Risk factors include: gestational age under 38 weeks, jaundice that develops within 24 hours, a sibling with jaundice requiring phototherapy, and exclusive breastfeeding (NICE, 2016). However, additional factors that may warrant consideration include Asian ethnicity, significant bruising or cephalohaematoma, blood group incompatibility, and glucose-6-phospahte dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (Maisels, 2015; Ng and How, 2015; Chang et al, 2017). Appropriate follow-up, including thorough consideration of risk factors and universal TCB/TSB monitoring, is essential (McGillivray et al, 2016). An extremely important part of this follow-up is breastfeeding support and parental education on the importance of frequent feeds to mitigate jaundice, and the importance of being aware of frequency of voiding and stooling—as well as any changes to stools—to ensure that the baby is receiving adequate hydration (Ng and How, 2015; Watchko, 2016; Hassan and Zakerihamidi, 2017). In addition, parents should be advised on the signs of jaundice and, importantly, to get help in the presence of signs that indicate a deteriorating condition (such as poor feeding and lethargy) where jaundice is present but is below treatment level (Grace, 2017). Adequate surveillance of jaundice, along with efficacious breastfeeding support and parental education around what is normal and what is not, is key to preventing the raised bilirubin levels that can result in the need for hospital readmission and deleterious harm if not identified and adequately managed.
Pathological jaundice
As bilirubin levels increase, binding sites on albumin become saturated and bilirubin, being lipid-soluble, is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain (Blackburn, 2017). Here, it is thought that it binds to the plasma, mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum membranes, disrupting normal cellular functioning and resulting in oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, apoptosis and necrosis (Cunningham et al, 2016; Watchko, 2016). The result of this neurotoxicity depends on the length and duration of exposure, as well as other underlying factors that affect the degree to which bilirubin is able to enter the brain, including infection, which can increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (Morioka et al, 2015; Amin, 2016). Bilirubin-induced toxicity can therefore produce a spectrum of neurological disorders (Table 3) that may initially present as acute bilirubin encephalopathy; the symptoms of which may include lethargy, poor feeding, irritability and hypotonia. As the damage worsens, this may progress to irritability, high-pitched cry, increasing hypertonia, arching of the back (opisthotonus), and extension of the neck back towards the spine (retrocollis). The most severe and irreversible manifestations are referred to as chronic bilirubin encephalopathy, or kernicterus, and include athetoid cerebral palsy, movement disorders, auditory dysfunction, and upward gaze paralysis. It can also lead to seizures and death (Ree et al, 2017). Bilirubin encephalopathy can be a devastating condition which should in most cases be preventable; however, there are concerns that it has seen a recent re-emergence (Cunningham et al, 2016; McGillivray et al, 2016). In low- and middle-income countries it carries a particularly large burden (Slusher et al, 2017).
Table 3. The spectrum of neurological problems caused by bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity
Athetoid cerebral palsy, movement disorders, dystonia, auditory dysfunction, upward gaze paralysis, enamel dysplasia of teeth
Brain regions affected
Basal ganglia and cerebellum (coordination of movement), auditory pathways (hearing), oculomotor nuclei (muscles that control the eye)
Sources: Maisels (2015); Morioka et al (2015); Christensen and Yaish (2016); Watchko (2016); Ree et al (2017)
The toxicity produced by a given bilirubin level may depend greatly on underlying factors, particularly albumin levels, but also factors that affect albumin binding and the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, including drugs that displace bilirubin (sulphonamide antibiotics, ibuprofen), dehydration, hypoxia, acidosis, hypothermia, and infection (Morioka et al, 2015; Amin 2016). As a result, and especially in preterm infants, bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity can result from bilirubin levels lower than those normally expected to produce pathology and can result in what is described as ‘low-bilirubin kernicterus’ (Watchko, 2017). Here, toxicity is not suspected until damage is later seen in the form of movement and/or hearing disorders, which can manifest as kernicterus. This is particularly insidious in nature because, as a result of immaturity of the preterm nervous system, the motor abnormalities classically associated with progressing acute bilirubin encephalopathy (hypertonia, arching, high-pitched cry) are often not seen in preterm infants (Watchko, 2017). This makes the emerging neurotoxicity, particularly in conjunction with below-threshold bilirubin levels, extremely difficult to predict and prevent. It is suggested, however, that apnoea may, in some cases, be an indicator of bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity, as bilirubin can disrupt brainstem respiratory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia (Watchko, 2017). It may therefore be that apnoeic events in a jaundiced infant should prompt investigation into the presence of acute bilirubin encephalopathy (Watchko, 2016).
Specific factors that can result in pathological jaundice include bruising and cephalohaematoma, polycythaemia, rhesus or ABO incompatibility, and G6PD deficiency (Blackburn, 2017; Rankin, 2017). These increase the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia, while factors such as hypalbuminaemia, acidosis, and infection increase the risk for toxicity (Morioka et al, 2015; Chang et al, 2017; Watchko, 2017). Bruising and cephalohaematoma can lead to significant red blood cell haemolysis during resolution of the bruise and this can result in jaundice that lasts several weeks (Rankin, 2017). Polycythaemia can also result in significant haemolysis and can occur in infants of diabetic mothers and also potentially as a result of delayed cord clamping (Mitra and Rennie, 2017; Rankin, 2017). However, the most common causes of severe hyperbilirubinaemia are rhesus and ABO incompatibility, and G6PD deficiency (McGillivray et al, 2016). These risk factors should be considered along with those that increase the potential for neurotoxicity, both when considering risk and when determining treatment (Chang et al, 2017).
Blood group incompatibility and haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn
Rhesus incompatibility occurs when a rhesus-negative mother is carrying a rhesus-positive baby, and as a result can produce antibodies (alloimmunisation) against the rhesus antigens on the fetal red blood cells if they enter the maternal circulation. There are many types of fetal antigens that can cause maternal alloimmunisation, but the Rh-D antigen is associated with the most severe cases. Rh-D can lead to anaemia and hydrops in the fetus, and hyperbilirubinaemia and kernicterus in the newborn (Ree et al, 2017). Usually, the amount of fetal blood that enters the maternal circulation in pregnancy is too small to trigger an immune response (Blackburn, 2017); however, alloimmunisation can occur during the third stage of labour when the placenta separates from the uterine wall, or due to other sensitising events during pregnancy that result in feto-maternal haemorrhage, such as external cephalic version, miscarriage, or a blow to the abdomen as a result of a fall or domestic violence (Kent et al, 2014; Hutchon, 2016). When this occurs, fetal red blood cells carrying the rhesus antigen are recognised as foreign by the maternal immune system, which mounts an immune response against them. This involves the formation of immunoglobin-G (IgG) antibodies, which are able to cross the placenta; and the formation of memory cells, which can mount a rapid and intense immune response upon future recognition of this antigen (Rankin, 2017). However, the first pregnancy is usually complete by the time these antibodies have been produced (McBain et al, 2015). It is therefore the subsequent pregnancy that is usually of concern, as exposure to even a small amount of fetal blood can stimulate the production of a large amount of IgG antibodies, which are actively transported across the placenta. Here, they bind to antigens on fetal red blood cells, causing haemolysis (Blackburn, 2017) (Figure 2). This process of haemolysis continues after birth, as antibodies remain in the newborn's circulation. Treatment can involve intrauterine blood transfusions for fetal anaemia, postnatal phototherapy, and/or exchange transfusion when required (Ree et al, 2017).
Figure 2. The additive effect of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency and hyperbilirubinaemia
The postpartum administration of anti-D immunoglobulin to prevent sensitisation following birth has been available for approximately 30 years and has been successful in reducing the incidence of haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) (McBain et al, 2015; Ree et al, 2017). Prophylactic anti-D is now also offered to all rhesus-negative women, to prevent the occurrence of ‘silent’ sensitisations, as well as following any potential sensitising events as described above (McBain et al, 2015). The administration of anti-D is thought to result in the destruction of any fetal red blood cells that enter the maternal circulation before her immune system has a chance to recognise them and mount an immune response (Blackburn, 2017). It is argued that there are ethical issues around this, however, as one third of rhesus-negative women will be carrying a rhesus-negative baby and will thus receive this blood product unnecessarily (Kent et al, 2014). If maternal blood tests to determine fetal rhesus status were made available to rhesus-negative mothers, this would allow them to make fully informed choices around whether to receive anti-D (Kent et al, 2014). In many low-income countries, HDFN and kernicterus are still a pervasive problem, due to fragile and insufficient healthcare systems that result in a lack of antibody screening and anti-D availability for rhesus-negative mothers (Zipursky and Bhutani, 2015).
Alloimmunisation can also occur when the fetus is of a different ABO blood group to the mother and most often occurs when the mother is type-O and the fetus is type-A or type-B (Blackburn, 2017). In this situation, antibodies directed against fetal red blood cells are already present in maternal blood, as type-O blood groups already possess antibodies directed against both type-A and type-B antigens (Rankin, 2017). The effects produced, however, are relatively mild as, usually, antibodies produced by ABO incompatibility are immunoglobin-M (IgM) antibodies that do not cross the placenta. However, type-O mothers more often produce IgG antibodies, which do cross the placenta and can therefore attack fetal red blood cells (Blackburn, 2017). Due to the success of anti-D administration in the prevention of rhesus alloimmunisation, ABO incompatibility now represents an important cause of hyperbilirubinaemia in high-income countries (Chang et al, 2017).
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
G6PD deficiency is a genetic disorder that results in a deficiency in the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), which has various functions, including protecting cells from oxidative stress (Cunningham et al, 2016; Luzzatto et al, 2016). Because red blood cells transport oxygen, and because this enzyme plays a crucial role in protecting against oxidative stress in this cell type in particular, when oxidative stress does occur, red blood cells cannot produce the extra buffering capacity needed to protect themselves, so become damaged and are destroyed by haemolysis (Wong and Stevenson, 2015; Luzzatto et al, 2016). G6PD deficiency mainly affects individuals of Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean origin; however, due to travel and migration, this is now a worldwide problem (Maisels, 2015; Kaplan et al, 2016). Because it is an X-linked disorder, it is more common in men, but female heterozygotes can also be affected. Individuals are usually asymptomatic until they are exposed to an oxidative stress, which can include ingestion of broad or fava beans; infection; antimalarial drugs, such as primaquine; sulphonamide antibiotics; and henna. These products should therefore be avoided by breastfeeding mothers if their infant has this condition (Wong and Stevenson, 2015; Kaplan et al, 2016). Exposure, which can be unpredictable, can result in acute haemolytic anaemia, leading to a sudden and exponential increase in bilirubin to hazardous levels, resulting in bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity and potentially leading to kernicterus (Cunningham et al, 2016; Watchko, 2017).
G6PD deficiency also increases the risk for bilirubin-induced toxicity because bilirubin itself is a major source of oxidative stress (Watchko, 2016). Thus, G6PD deficiency results in the sudden, acute production of bilirubin with which the body is less able to cope (Cunninham et al, 2016) (Figure 2). This two-way attack may be partly why G6PD deficiency is still an important cause of kernicterus worldwide (Watchko, 2015). Furthermore, in order to avoid its potentially deleterious effects, exposure to known triggers must be avoided, and when exposure does occur, quick recognition and treatment of jaundice must ensue to prevent bilirubin reaching neurotoxic levels (Kaplan et al, 2016). However, as exposure and its effects often occur well after neonatal hospital discharge, and exposure to potential stressors cannot always be predicted, G6PD deficiency remains a major risk factor for hyperbilirubinaemia and kernicterus (Cunningham et al, 2016; Watchko 2017). This risk is particularly high in developing countries, where high rates of G6PD deficiency, low birth weight, underfeeding, infection, and lack of access to treatment severely compound the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia and lead to a relatively high incidence of kernicterus (Cunningham et al, 2016). Tests for G6PD-related hyperbilirubinaemia are available, and screening has been carried out successfully in some areas, such as Greece and Hong Kong. However, the value of such screening elsewhere is unclear (Watchko et al, 2013).
Treatment for hyperbilirubinaemia depends on TSB levels, as well as whether other compounding factors are present, such as reduced gestational age. Frequent, efficacious feeding is key with physiological jaundice, particularly when it associated with breastfeeding, and breastfeeding problems (Maisels, 2015). For preterm infants, enteral feeding should be initiated as soon as possible, in order to stimulate intestinal motility and the development of the intestinal flora necessary for the excretion of bilirubin (Christensen and Yaish, 2016). Phototherapy has become the mainstay of treatment for hyperbilirubinaemia: as well as being effective, it reduces the need for exchange transfusion (Christensen and Yaish, 2016; Mitra and Rennie, 2017). The light used converts unconjugated bilirubin into water-soluble isomers that can be excreted without the need for conjugation in the liver (Hansen, 2016). There are, however, concerns over the potential effects of prolonged exposure to phototherapy, particularly for extremely low birth weight infants (Christensen and Yaish, 2016; Stevenson et al, 2016). Although relatively rarely used in high-income countries, exchange transfusion may be required in severe cases or if infants do not respond well to phototherapy (Mitra and Rennie, 2017). In low-income countries exchange transfusion is more often required, due to a lack of resources that prevents early detection and phototherapy for hyperbilirubinaemia, as well as an increased prevalence of blood group incompatibility and G6PD deficiency (Slusher et al, 2017).
Delayed cord clamping
There have been concerns that delayed cord clamping might increase the risk of hyperbilirubinaemia, due to the increased volume of blood transferred to the neonate and resultant polycythaemia. However, recent studies have shown no such increased risk in term (Erickson-Owens and Mercer, 2017), preterm (Chiruvolu et al, 2018), and very low birth weight (Bolstridge et al, 2016) babies, or when alloimmunisation had occurred during pregnancy (Garabedian et al, 2016) and where there was a delay in cord clamping of 5 minutes (Mercer et al, 2016). Given the benefits of delayed cord clamping, (reduced mortality, reduced need for blood transfusions, less respiratory intervention, and a decreased risk of intraventricular haemorrhage and necrotising enterocolitis) (Brocato et al, 2016), these concerns may well be abrogated. Indeed, delayed or optimal cord clamping allows a physiological transition and the normal redistribution of fetal blood between the placenta and the newborn, ultimately providing an important source of iron for the infant, which is essential for the normal functioning of all tissues in the body, and particularly for neurodevelopment (Hutchon, 2016; Cusick et al, 2018).
The potentially deleterious effects of hyperbilirubinaemia seem clear, altough at odds with the apparently innocuous nature of physiological jaundice. In addition, bilirubin, which at high levels can be profoundly neurotoxic, is protective at low levels. These dichotomies are reflected in the messages that are sometimes presented to parents, and it is no wonder that there is sometimes confusion around the nature of jaundice. After all, it can be both physiological and highly pathological. The key lies partly in the thorough education of parents around its nature, what to look out for, and how to mitigate its effects; but perhaps more importantly, risk stratification, appropriate follow up, surveillance, and support are essential to prevent what should be a normal physiological process from becoming pathological. In low-income countries there is an urgent need to target the significant burden imposed by bilirubin-induced neurotoxicity.
Key points
Jaundice in the newborn is usually harmless; however, underlying risk factors can significantly alter the course of bilirubin metabolism and increase the risk of neurotoxicity
Risk factors for hyperbilirubinaemia include suboptimal breastfeeding, reduced gestational age, Asian ethnicity, rhesus or ABO incompatibility, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
Risk factors for increased toxicity include hypoalbuminaemia, drugs that displace bilirubin from albumin, hypoxia, acidosis, and infection
In high-income countries these risks can be abrogated by thorough parental education, risk stratification, breastfeeding support, and surveillance
In low-income countries, as a result of the high prevalence of risk factors, along with under-feeding, and a lack of surveillance and treatment, bilirubin-induced toxicity continues to inflict a significant burden on infant morbidity and mortality