This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Reflecting on emergencies

I have chosen Gibb's (1988) model of reflective practice to make sense of an emergency I experienced while on my first clinical placement in maternity care For the purposes of this article and to...

Supporting survivors of abuse

Many survivors of childhood sexual abuse report that their experiences of pregnancy and giving birth are very difficult and re-traumatising

Experiencing maternal death

Name? Age (if known)? Gravidity and parity? Cause of death? I sit on a block of sandstone outside, under the trees, with the monkeys tumbling around me, and the storm clouds gathering for the...

Breastfeeding: Ethics and evidence

In 1959, the chemist and novelist Charles Percy Snow delivered the Rede Lecture at the University of Cambridge Entitled ‘The Two Cultures’, he highlighted mutual incomprehension between science and...

Donor milk: Science and sensitivity

American humourist Oliver Herford once described charity as ‘the sterilised milk of human kindness’ Yet for more than a century the milk of human kindness has—quite literally—been used for charitable...

Care in crisis

I have long had an interest in working for an organisation like Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) (MSF) As a child, I would devour my grandparents' copies of National Geographic...

The role of context in midwifery

Lawton (1975) wrote that curriculum is a selection from culture Any midwifery curriculum should be a selection from the local midwifery professional culture, so when we ask whether the content of a...

Parenthood: Uncharted territory?

It may have taken millions of years for humans to evolve, but when it comes to attitudes, evolution can be rapid

Vaccines and the fetus

The vote to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution, which previously banned abortion, righted a long-standing wrong The vote also vindicated the principles of autonomy and justice,...

Repealed the Eighth

The 26 May 2018 was a historic day for the women of Ireland and for the nurses, midwives and doctors who care for them Following a democratic referendum, the people of Ireland voted to repeal the...

Breast milk donation and behavioural science

If you had told me a year ago that I would be sat here, now, writing to midwives about breast milk, I would have been incredulous As an economist, working in and around government for more than half a...

Artificial gametes

First coined by the French philosopher Antoine Cournot, ‘the end of history’ is a phrase that was later popularised in the 1990s by the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama

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