This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Pregnancy and diet

The midwife is uniquely placed to promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and to provide evidence-based nutritional advice to pregnant women Englund-Ögge et al (2014) reported on a prospective...

Pre-surgery pregnancy status

In 2010, a national newspaper reported that the National Patient Safety Agency database recorded three women who lost their babies following surgery, saying that,

Tranexamic acid

Germaine Greer wrote that ‘[c]hildbirth has been transformed from an awesome personal and social event into a medical phenomenon’ (Greer, 1984: 19) But given that around 830 women die every day from...

Leading greater integration

The Skills for Health working paper, Integration and the development of the workforce (Skills for Health, 2017) set out a drive for greater integration between health and social care, reframing the...

The new world of clinical supervision

Three weeks into my new appointment as Deputy Regional Maternity Lead for Midlands and East, the Easter Bank holiday weekend prompted me to catch my breath and reflect on the dramatic changes and...

The future of artificial wombs

In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), ectogenesis—growing embryos in artificial environments—thrives at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre Here, ‘standardised’ individuals are...

The challenge of ruptures

Vaginal wetness is common during pregnancy Around 20% of pregnant women report to hospital or birth units reporting wetness (Odunsi and Rinaudo, 2001) In most cases, it is harmless, resulting from...

‘Making a difference in the world’

This month, more than 4000 midwives from over 100 countries will descend on Toronto for 5 days to attend the 31st International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress The theme of this...

Trace display Doppler monitors

Intrapartum fetal monitoring is going through a period of intense scrutiny in the UK Midwives are on the front line of cardiotocography (CTG) interpretation and intermittent auscultation (IA) of fetal...

Interview with Alice Gautreau

What made you want to work in the Congo? I've always wanted to go and work in Africa When I was a student midwife I did my elective placement in Ethiopia and I loved it—I had the best time so I...

Randomised controlled trials

In December 2005, Professor (now Sir) Ian Wilmut, the first director of Edinburgh University's Centre for Regenerative Medicine, called for stem cell treatments to be offered to people with terminal...

Displaying public health messages on posters is no longer the only option

We live in a society where we can obtain almost any information we need with just the touch of a button The world is seeing a rise in new technology, software applications and innovative ways to...

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