Pre-registration midwifery education not only prepares students to be competent and confident on registration, it is also the start of their journey as lifelong learners in order to ensure their...
The Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 created the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), whose primary function is to establish standards of education, training, conduct and performance for nurses and...
The increased recognition of midwives as lead professionals in low-risk pregnancy and birth, and the proliferation of midwifery-led units within the NHS, have raised the profile of midwifery in the...
‘You're a third year now…’ is a phrase frequently cited as a reminder that student midwives in their final year of the pre-registration programme are on a ‘countdown’ to qualification, and the...
The midwifery undergraduate programme is challenging; to be successful, student midwives are required to navigate both academic and clinical practice demands To date, little is known about the...
On starting their programme of study, student midwives are generally highly motivated and optimistic about their journey into their chosen profession However, there is evidence to suggest the...
Sustaining compassion across long periods of time is an essential part of a midwife's role, with stress experienced from continual exposure to traumatic events potentially resulting in emotional...
What do we mean by ‘Statistics’? With an upper-case ‘S’, Statistics is the discipline of systematically analysing data that either consist of numbers or can be represented by numbers Numerical data...
It has been suggested that the growing proportion of left-handed people—or, more specifically, the greater acknowledgement of left-handedness over the past century—may be the result of fewer...
Research has found that, while newly qualified midwives are competent to practise, they would benefit from preceptorship programmes providing a structured, supportive culture to enable them to develop...
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are tasked with equipping newly qualified midwives with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to care for pregnant women This includes being able to...
The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry (Francis, 2013) highlighted how service users were receiving substandard care where staff did not exhibit core values such as care and...
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