The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) holds the overall responsibility for regulation of midwives Following the removal of statutory supervision in 2017, a new model of employer-led supervision,...
It is well documented (Heaslip and Scammell, 2012; Bennett and McGowan, 2014) that grading practice is not an easy task and can be open to subjectivity, ambiguity, confusion and grade inflation...
NHS England (National Maternity Review, 2016) has a national drive to provide better perinatal mental healthcare to significantly improve the wellbeing of women, babies and families In 2016, 23% of...
The past decade has seen significant, system-wide changes to the midwifery profession
The newborn and infant physical examination (NIPE) is a national screening programme in the UK that involves a full physical assessment, history-taking, health promotion and education (Baker, 2010)...
A learning disability has been described as a significant, lifelong condition that starts before adulthood and affects a person's development, meaning they need help to understand information, learn...
In 2016, the results from the NHS Staff Survey revealed that midwives reported the highest levels of work-related stress, more than any other NHS staff group (National NHS Staff Survey Co-ordination...
During a caesarean birth, the midwifery team is required to work with multiple professions as part of a unique team dynamic (Chief Nursing Officers of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales,...
Pre-eclampsia screening is one of the cornerstones of antenatal care Early recognition of the disorder is linked to improved maternal and neonatal outcomes (Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC), 2004) and...
Nearly two decades ago, the role of the consultant midwife was recognised at national level across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and more recently in Wales In England, the role was introduced by...
Newborn bloodspot screening is seen as one of the most important public health initiatives and is practised in most high-income countries In England, newborn bloodspot screening is introduced to...
Manchester coroner Lisa Hashmi identified ‘poor midwifery leadership and staffing levels as well as ambiguities in the Trust's guidelines’ (Gray, 2016) as key factors in the death of a newborn baby...
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