This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Learning through reflection

An essential element of continual, evolving midwifery is the need for midwives to critically reflect on their practice in order to inform and improve care for childbearing women Reflection involves...

Continuity of carer and application of the Code: how student midwives can be agents of change

It is clear from the literature that there can be many significant advantages to caseload midwifery in terms of health outcomes for women and their babies These advantages include reduced incidence of...

Learning by listening to women: A supervisor of midwives' initiative

In October 2013, two supervisors of midwives (SoMs) teams merged with the formation of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT)—a total of 21 SoMs Soon after, a ‘SoM clinic’ was created as a team...

Maternity services in China and professional identity of the midwife

Last November, the author of this article had the opportunity to participate in a professional tour looking at midwifery services in China, enabled by a scholarship from the Florence Nightingale...

Life after death: The bereavement midwife's role in later pregnancies

Milton Keynes University Hospital offers a bespoke antenatal care pathway to women who have suffered a previous loss, by offering care led by their community midwife at their GP's surgery or being...

Integrating public health practice into the graduate's role through pre-registration education

Midwifery public health practice has significant potential for minimising mortality and morbidity in future populations Many debilitating health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and some...

A better start for Bradford?

Despite the wide and longstanding recognition that continuity of carer reduces com plications in the childbirth continuum, in addition to increasing women's and midwives' satisfaction (Department of...

Are specially trained midwives the right professionals to perform the newborn physical examination?

It is widely accepted that the midwife, having received specialist training, is the appropriate health professional to conduct the newborn infant physical examination (NIPE) on low-risk infants...

As a midwife ‘you must respect a woman's right to confidentiality’: A Northern Ireland perspective

There are pro fes sional standards of practice and behav iour to which a registered midwife must adhere, which are set out by the Nursing and Midwifery Coun cil (NMC) One such obligation is confiden...

Storytelling in midwifery: Is it time to value our oral tradition?

The generation of knowledge in midwifery arguably occurs through a kind of ‘storytelling’ rather than through scientific facts, but the prevalence of scientific knowledge has come to dominate...

Being ‘with woman’ in contemporary midwifery practice: One Trust's response to the Francis report

While the report of the inquiry into the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis, 2013) largely focused on the failings in the nursing and medical professions, it was also a reminder to the...

‘Bump, Baby and Beyond’: Participant-led antenatal sessions using creative collaboration

The publication of the Francis report (Francis, 2013) led to a recommendation for greater emphasis on interventions to support frontline clinical teams to perform effectively The Patients First...

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