This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Contemporary midwifery practice: Art, science or both?

This article will consider the debate as to whether contemporary midwifery care should be based on policies and guidelines underpinned by systematic review (positivism), or based on evidence derived...

Striving for excellence in maternity care: The Maternity Stream of the City of Sanctuary

Asylum seekers are people who have fled their home country due to a fear of being persecuted, and are awaiting a decision as to whether their asylum claim is accepted by the government of the country...

What do service users want and who cares?

The word midwife originates from Middle English: probably from the obsolete preposition mid meaning ‘with’ and wife in the archaic sense of meaning ‘woman’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015) The current...

Are midwives ready for revalidation?

From April 2016 the only way midwives and nurses will be able to renew their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) will be through a process called revalidation, the purpose of...

There's an app for that—but how do we know if it's a good one?

Mobile applications date back to the end of the 20th century and were typically novel additions to the core phone functions, such as a calculator or a small arcade game But from around 2007, when...

Antenatal support for people with learning disabilities

In 2013, it was estimated that 1 068 000 people in England had a degree of a learning disability (Public Heath England, 2013), yet there are no accurate records of the numbers of parents with a...

Person-centred care in practice

While undertaking a Person-Centred Care in Practice (PCCiP) masters module, I began to reflect on relationships within maternity care I wondered if midwifery remained as the ultimate relational, women...

Ensuring practice is based on the best evidence: Masterclass on literature searching

Midwives must ‘always practise in line with the best available evidence’ (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), 2015a: 7) in order to provide safe and effective care The purpose of the revised Code and...

What are OERs and MOOCs and what have they got to do with prep?

As autonomous, accountable practitioners, midwives are required to continually update their clinical knowledge and skills in order to provide high quality, safe and effective care (Nursing and...

Priority issues from 0–19

Ageing workforce, inadequate recruitment and poor retention The UK nursing and midwifery workforce is ageing, and this is already having a considerable impact on services In 2001, the largest...

Engaging critically with the concept of advancing professional practice

In recent years, the role of the midwife has been expanded beyond what was traditionally seen as its core responsibilities This has been in response to a number of service demands and the changing...

Family Nurse Partnership: Meeting the needs of teenage mothers

While it is acknowledged that not all teenage pregnancies are unplanned or result in a substandard or negative life-course for mother and/or child (Duncan et al, 2010), there is a substantial body of...

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