This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Evaluating asynchronous online education for midwives and nurses in the Republic of Ireland

A descriptive approach was used where participants' reactions to the courses were captured from post-programme evaluation questionnaires. The target group were nurses and midwives attending the...

Enhancing leadership and management skills in midwifery through optimised mentorship

This descriptive qualitative study assessed final-year midwifery students' involvement in leadership and management modules and mentorship during their clinical attachment period. The evaluation...

Sources of breastfeeding knowledge and support skills among midwives and students: a scoping review

This scoping review followed Arksey and O'Malley's (2005) framework and adhered to the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews guidelines (Tricco et al, 2018). A review protocol was developed and...

Midwives' perspectives on personalised maternity care in the UK

Midwives were invited to complete an anonymous online survey, which remained open for 4 weeks in February 2023. The survey was hosted securely by Qualtrics XMTM survey platform, and the checklist for...

Evaluation of a termination of pregnancy education programme in the Republic of Ireland: part 2

The signing into law of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 broadened the circumstances in which termination of pregnancy could be legally performed in the Republic of Ireland...

Building strong foundations in leadership and management for midwifery students

There are a limited number of studies concerning midwifery leadership and management, even more so in terms of studies that relate to students. In addition, midwifery leadership and management are...

Diagnosis, management and training in perineal trauma: a national survey of UK midwives

This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in collaboration with a team in the USA. A revised version of a validated and published survey on experience and training in obstetric tears was...

Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a nation–wide mixed methods study

This nationwide mixed-methods study used a sequential quantitative-qualitative design. The quantitative elements were the main focus, complemented by a qualitative component. A survey tool was...

Supporting the needs of midwives caring for women with perinatal loss in South Africa

Three themes emerged from the data (Table 1). The participants expressed relying on their own coping mechanisms to deal with perinatal loss, how management influenced the way they coped and the need...

Midwives' decision making during normal labour and birth: a decision making framework

All stages of this study were carried out by the author as part of a PhD study. To address the research aim of the study, to explore midwifery decision-making during normal labour and birth, an...

‘Sunshine’, ‘angels’ and ‘rainbows’: language developed by mothers bereaved by perinatal loss

Data were collected through 40 completed qualitative online surveys and five semi-structured face-to-face interviews with women who had experienced a healthy pregnancy following a perinatal loss. The...

An exploration of midwives' experiences of the transition to practice in the Republic of Ireland

The study investigated the research question ‘what support is required by newly qualified midwives during their first year of clinical practice?’. A convenience sample of seven midwives from a large...

Medical students' experiences working with midwives on NHS labour wards: a qualitative study

The study took an epistemological position of ‘critical realism’, which sees reality as being uniform but also mediated by perceptions and beliefs (Barnett-Page and Thomas, 2009). The data collection...

Developing a fast-track COVID-19 vaccination clinic for pregnant people

The first pilot fast-track COVID-19 vaccination clinic for pregnant people was held on 28 June 2021. Phase 2, ‘community expansion’, commenced 29 July 2021. Community midwives provided women and...

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