This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Antenatal care in Indonesia: a nationwide study

This study used a cross-sectional design to explore data from the 2017 Indonesian demographic and health survey (National Population and Family Planning Board et al, 2018). The survey was funded by...

mHealth interventions to improve self efficacy and exclusive breastfeeding: a scoping review

The electronic search was carried out in September 2022, using the population/problem/patient, intervention, comparison, outcome and study design strategy. The primary source of literature was online...

A brief overview of obstetric brachial plexus palsy

Brachial plexus injuries can be classified in several ways, such as by severity, where the injury is categorised as avulsion, rupture, neuroma or neuropraxia (Synder-Warwick, 2021) (Figure 2)..

Where are you really from? Racial microaggressions and how to be an ally or active bystander

Racial microaggressions, by their nature, are subtle slights or insults based on a person's race, that may go unnoticed by their perpetrator or those other than the recipient (Smith and Griffiths,...

Why breast milk matters

The most recent comprehensive review of breastfeeding was published in the Lancet in 2016 by Victora et al (2016). This included 28 systematic reviews and meta-analyses from low-, middle- and...

Bullying in the workplace

Bullying has more manifestations beyond being argumentative or rude, and can include overloading people with work, spreading malicious rumours, denying someone's training or promotion opportunities,...

Perinatal mental health support in the UK

One in five women reportedly experience mental health issues during pregnancy or up to 1 year after giving birth (Royal College of Midwives (RCM), 2023a). Research in the UK shows that overall, mental...

Residential substance use treatment

‘Without Phoenix Futures' Family Service, it wouldn't be possible to get where I am today. I am so grateful for the life I have now, with hard work and determination, recovery is possible’.

‘Fallacy of normalcy’ in post-childbirth maternal morbidities: a feminist-pragmatist exploration

This study aimed to explore the key influences on women's help-seeking behaviour in the first 12 months post-childbirth. This study was conducted over three phases using a mixed-methods approach....

Use of contraceptives in a high-income population: a cross-sectional study in Indonesia

This study used a cross-sectional design to collect data from 10 districts/cities in the East Java province: Sidoarjo, Gresik, Mojokerto, Lamongan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Malang, Jombang, Malang City and...

The use of gender-neutral language in maternity settings: a narrative literature review

A preliminary search of the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and MEDLINE databases was undertaken to identify articles relating to the topic. Search terms or text words contained in titles, abstracts and...

Trans and non-binary experiences of maternity services: cautioning against acting without evidence

This article presents a critique of the ITEMS study, based on its report (LGBT Foundation, 2022). The authors of this article argue that the study framing lacks clarity and balance, that there is a...

Interprofessional education after the pandemic: lessons learned and future considerations

Before lockdowns were enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, interprofessional education as part of midwifery education was undertaken primarily using face-to-face methods (Luyben et al, 2020; Sy et...

Providing care during a breech birth

This reflection explores the experience of caring for a woman, ‘Katy’, who had opted for a vaginal breech birth. Once in labour, she no longer felt safe to have a vaginal breech birth and opted for a...

Reflecting on the preceptorship year

I completed a direct entry midwifery training programme having previously achieved a Master's degree in biomedical sciences. My first of the 3-year degree programme was cut short by the COVID-19...

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