To ensure relevance across stakeholders, a service improvement survey was co-produced by two NHS Trusts, three local MVPs, three local authorities (LAs) and four clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)....
All NQMs taking up a post within the Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust referred to in this study follow a rotational programme in various ward and department locations across the maternity service,...
A 36-year-old primigravida booked at 11 weeks for antenatal care. She was of East Asian ethnicity, with a BMI of 26. She had no significant past medical or surgical history, however, a first-degree...
‘It takes a village to raise a baby.’ Those are the first words written in the foreword by Penny Simkin and they resound truth. During pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, numerous people are...
The need for these services has grown since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Poor treatment of pregnant women at work is widespread: 77% experience some form of negative or...
The research aim was to identify how power and hierarchy influence staff safety in maternity services, and this was achieved by reviewing research papers concerned with personal narratives of staff...
Pregnancy is an occurrence which can be synonymous with anxieties and concerns (Rathbone and Prescott, 2019). Research suggests pregnant women are three times more likely to develop anxiety or an...
This study was a retrospective study that was obtained by reading the information in the records of women referred for fetal echocardiography. After reviewing, we compared the records of women who had...
An exploratory qualitative design was chosen to articulate an understanding of the experiences of midwives influencing skill acquisition. An exploratory methodology was chosen to gain a better...
Through his exploration of orgasmic states in episodes of human sexual life, obstetrician Michel Odent draws attention to the relationship between what he terms the ‘orgasmogenic cocktail’ of hormones...
As set out in the ‘Better Births’ report in 2016, the vision for maternity services is for them to be safer, more personalised, kinder, professional and family friendly. The report details how giving...
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