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Neonatal outcomes following one previous caesarean section

A retrospective cohort design was used to compare data from women/pregnant people who elected for a vaginal birth after previous caesarean section to those opting for elective repeat caesarean...

More from The British Journal of Midwifery

Birth philosophy and experience based on birth place: an ethnographic study in Indonesia

This study used an ethnographic methodology where the process of childbirth was analysed based on the place of birth, surroundings and principles of the healthcare facility. The approach entails...

Virtual reality training to enhance clinical competence and student engagement in Ghana

This prospective cohort study evaluated the impact of virtual reality technology (using BirthWise VR by Virtual Medical Coaching software) on midwifery education in comparison to conventional task...

Virtual reality training to enhance clinical competence and student engagement in Ghana

This prospective cohort study evaluated the impact of virtual reality technology (using BirthWise VR by Virtual Medical Coaching software) on midwifery education in comparison to conventional task...

Enhancing leadership and management skills in midwifery through optimised mentorship

This descriptive qualitative study assessed final-year midwifery students' involvement in leadership and management modules and mentorship during their clinical attachment period. The evaluation...

The psychological impact of birth trauma on fathers: a narrative review

This narrative literature review used a variety of key terms, including ‘birth trauma’, ‘mental health’, ‘fathers’ and aligning synonyms. Peer-reviewed primary research articles were screened for...

Medial funiculi furcata: a rare umbilical cord alteration

The first case involved a 33-year-old woman (gravida 4, para 2, miscarriage 1) at 34 weeks' gestation with a medical history of chronic hypertension, treated with nifedipine, alpha methyldopa and...

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Is the midwifery profession academic enough?

In 2008, the move from diploma-level pre-registration midwifery education (which was introduced in 1996) to an all-graduate profession was supported (NMC, 2009). Many universities had been offering...

A reflection on masculinities and maternity

The event I will be reflecting on not only felt significant at the time, but has remained in my psyche since. While in conversation with a man I had recently met during a community engagement...

Paternal postpartum depression: emotional and social availability for women in the early postnatal period

While 1 in 1000 births are registered to same sex couples, in the UK, 91% of fathers are present throughout the continuum of maternity care (Davies, 2018), and it is mostly men that provide practical...

Out with the old and in with the new

The professional midwifery advocates at East Kent hospitals were as disillusioned as their colleagues. The advocate team, consisting of one full-time lead and 17 sessional advocates, were impacted by...

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