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Rethinking assessment for interprofessional learning during COVID-19: steering a middle course

02 October 2022
Volume 30 · Issue 10


This is the sixth article in a series exploring interprofessional education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article will focus on the considerations and adaptations made to assessing interprofessional education during this time. It will explore the alternative assessment strategies used by faculty, the modality of assessment and the tools used, student and faculty experiences and the challenges faced by both during the rapid pivot to remote learning and assessment.

As identified in the first article in this series (Power et al, 2021), opportunities for interprofessional education, where different professions can learn with, from and about each other, are key to fostering collaborative practice and improving the quality of care (Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education, 2002). This article, the sixth in the series on interprofessional education, will focus on the experiences of assessing students undertaking interprofessional education during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the adaptations made to this process.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2021), the COVID-19 pandemic affected more than 220 million tertiary level students worldwide. As universities grappled with pivoting to online delivery because of physical distancing requirements, remote or online assessment posed a further significant hurdle. However, this challenging period presented unprecedented opportunities for re-examining and re-imagining assessment approaches. This article will explore examples of assessment types used in interprofessional education during this time and modifications to existing systems, drawing on theory and findings from existing literature and illustrated with case study reports and reflections from academics. Consideration will be given to opportunities for innovation and evidence-informed guidance for future and alternative approaches to student assessment of interprofessional education.

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