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Family economic resilience and early childhood parenting practices

02 January 2024
Volume 32 · Issue 1



A family's economic resilience can impact a child's wellbeing, particularly in relation to parenting practice. This study aimed to identify the effect of family economic resilience on early childhood parenting in Indonesia, for children age 0–6 years old.


This study used cross-sectional data from a 2019 Indonesian survey. Simple and multiple logistic regression were used to analyse data for 20 413 families with children 0–6 years old in Indonesia.


More than half of families had high economic function (56.2%) and demonstrated strong economic resilience (59.1%), although a similar proportion also demonstrated less effective parenting practices (63.3%). Families with high or moderate economic resilience were more likely to use more effective early childhood parenting practices than families with lower economic resilience (P=0.001 and P<0.001, respectively). Age, family type, number of family members and education significantly affected good parenting.


Family economic resilience has a significant impact on early childhood parenting. Interventions should be designed to simultaneously to strengthen family economic resilience and increase engagement with early childhood parenting practices.

A family's economic resilience is dependent on a family having sufficient resources to fulfil life needs (Nursaid and Armawi, 2016). It has been observed that physical resilience (consisting of three key variables: food and nutrition adequacy, family health, availability of a fixed location for sleeping) and economic resilience (composed of four variables: family residence, family income, financing children's education, family financial security) are latent factors in achieving family resilience (Apriliani and Nurwati, 2020).

A family with strong economic resilience will create strong national economic resilience(Wulandari, 2017). Families who are financially stable and resilient can better weather economic shocks and continue contributing to the economy. When families struggle financially, they are more likely to require government assistance or social services. Consequently, poverty can cause severe problems and threaten family resilience. Family economic pressures are also closely related to the quality of marriage and child care, with economic problems being shown to be a significant factor in divorce (Amalia et al, 2018).

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