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Trialling an expressed breast milk management video for pregnant women in Indonesia

02 August 2023
Volume 31 · Issue 8



The rate of exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers is low, and can be attributed to the perception of inadequate breast milk, lack of knowledge about expression, limited time to express and lack of support from workplace leaders. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of educational videos on milk management in improving working women's knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in expressing breast milk.


This study used a quasi-experimental design, with a sample of 100 participants selected for a cluster randomised trial. The intervention group (n=50) watched educational videos on expressed breast milk and were mentored through a WhatsApp group, while the control group (n=50) received regular education for pregnant women working in urban areas. Data on the participants knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy were collected via questionnaires both before and after the intervention. The data were analysed using the Mann-Whitney test.


The intervention group had higher knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy scores after watching the educational videos and being mentored (P=0.001).


Educational videos and mentoring can be used by healthcare professionals to provide education and support for working women, to encourage breast milk expression and exclusive breastfeeding.

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months (Sudargo et al, 2018). Lack of exclusive breastfeeding in this period can have long-term effects on a baby's growth and development that are difficult to resolve. In addition to providing nutrition, breastfeeding also increases bonding between mother and baby (Nasution, 2017). Breast milk also has benefits for the health of the baby. Breast milk contains colostrum, a protein that functions as an antibody to protect against infection, thereby preventing infant death. Breast milk also contains enzymes that function as absorbent substances that do not interfere with other enzymes in the intestine (Ministry of Health, 2022).

In I ndonesia, rates of exclusive breastfeeding are lower among working mothers, likely as a result of difficulties having time to express breast milk (Rosida and Putri, 2020). Many Indonesian workplaces require mothers to return to work after 3 months of maternity leave. Although support programmes for breastfeeding mothers and exclusive breastfeeding have been implemented in some countries, including Indonesia, not all countries guarantee breastfeeding rights for working mothers (Bettinelli, 2012).

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